Ariana Unlined Lace Balconette Bra


The Ariana collection has a seductive little twist on classic taste. There is nothing modest about this lingerie set that adorns your body with an exquisite trail of delicate floral lace. The superbly soft stretch fabric making up the Ariana Unlined Balconette Bra has just the right amount of sheer and sexy. The scalloped lace follows every contour of a woman's beautiful body, from the balconette cups all the way to the wings of the bra, hugging her curves in the most striking and beholding way possible. The edges are meant to peek just beyond a sheer top you may decide to wear over the delicately plunging cups. You will be impossible to ignore when modeling this brilliant balconette that perfectly accents your body. The adjustable straps that bolster the scalloped cups create a fierce and feminine silhouette, which makes you the center of attention. Shine in this style when paired with the Ariana Brief. This stunning set is available in Black, White, or Nude.